Summer so far
Monday, May 12, 2014 • 10:41 PM
My summer officially started at 7pm on the 6th because that's when my last final ended. Evening papers are terrible because I have the whole day to fret about it. And also it didn't really feel like summer because by the time we got out of the exam hall the sun was... was already setting
Anyway, the morning(mourning) after I met up with a bunch of my VJ friends for brunch at Holland Village. I can't remember the name of the cafe now but I do know that it was vaguely pretentious and artsy fartsy:P. But the food was great though! Some of the best waffles I've tasted in a while. The company was definitely the best part of the day though. :)
[Lovely waffles and a bit of the interior design in the cafe]
I've also started reading 1984 and I'm only about 90 pages into it but it has thus far proved to be as depressing as everyone has made it out to be. But I find that the best books always make me feel that way. I think that it would take a writer of extraordinary skill to try to write a good novel that does not have some semblance of a solemn, macabre or sentimental undercurrent. And even then I think he may not succeed.

On Friday, I went back to VJC for a short visit. Had lunch with Mrs. Wee, and caught up with Ms Chiam and Mr. Teo for a while. I also bumped into Rouying who told me she reads my blog! Hi RY!:D I think the journey to school was as nostalgic as the mini tour I took around the campus. I passed by the Roxy Hotel where Geri ran to flag a cab when we were late for one of our IP debate competitions and nobody in the long queue at the Parkway Parade taxi stand would give up their cab to us. And I passed by the swings that we'd swing really high on even hough we were wearing our short school skirts. The walls of the campus themselves hold more memories than I could recount in one post. It was a good day though, I felt for once that I was going home.
[The garden at school and the Stone Tables which my class 11A11 and the A11 classes of years past,present and (hopefully) in the future have made and will continue to make home.]
Saturday was the first day that G and I had all 3 meals of the day together. Toast and tea for breakfast, our usual Sushi buffet for lunch and Mexican food at this surprisingly affordableplace, Muchachos, somewhere in the Duxton area. We have decided to try out the food at another cafe in the area next weekend because the Mexican food proved to be lovely!
[We shared a burrito because one would have been too filling!]
We also caught the latest Spiderman moveie. I thought it was good but not great. Maybe it's because Emma Stone's acting is obviously THAT MUCH better than Andrew Garfield's and she kinda stole Spiderman's limelight. Also I think Tobey Mcguire fits the role of the underdog-by-day-superhero-by-night role better because - let's face it- Andrew garfield is too suave/good-looking to pull it off. And I mean part of the appeal of Spiderman is that he is the "everyman" right? I think my last two sentences appear to conradict each other but they actually don't.
Sunday was Mother's Day and I spent it with my Mama. :D
Today was the first day of my internship at Epigram Books. I thought it went well. I read one manuscript and wrote down some pretty detailed feedback on it. Then I spent what was left of the day fiddling( because I'm a PC user) with the MacBook I'm using for work and eating cookies. 'Twas a great day. :D Also my fellow editorial intern Gracia is someone I can really get along with and I'm really glad because we're gonna share a table with each other for the next 3 months!:P
That's how the first few days of summer went for me! Have a great day/night!:)
Summer so far
Monday, May 12, 2014 • 10:41 PM
My summer officially started at 7pm on the 6th because that's when my last final ended. Evening papers are terrible because I have the whole day to fret about it. And also it didn't really feel like summer because by the time we got out of the exam hall the sun was... was already setting
Anyway, the morning(mourning) after I met up with a bunch of my VJ friends for brunch at Holland Village. I can't remember the name of the cafe now but I do know that it was vaguely pretentious and artsy fartsy:P. But the food was great though! Some of the best waffles I've tasted in a while. The company was definitely the best part of the day though. :)
[Lovely waffles and a bit of the interior design in the cafe]
I've also started reading 1984 and I'm only about 90 pages into it but it has thus far proved to be as depressing as everyone has made it out to be. But I find that the best books always make me feel that way. I think that it would take a writer of extraordinary skill to try to write a good novel that does not have some semblance of a solemn, macabre or sentimental undercurrent. And even then I think he may not succeed.

On Friday, I went back to VJC for a short visit. Had lunch with Mrs. Wee, and caught up with Ms Chiam and Mr. Teo for a while. I also bumped into Rouying who told me she reads my blog! Hi RY!:D I think the journey to school was as nostalgic as the mini tour I took around the campus. I passed by the Roxy Hotel where Geri ran to flag a cab when we were late for one of our IP debate competitions and nobody in the long queue at the Parkway Parade taxi stand would give up their cab to us. And I passed by the swings that we'd swing really high on even hough we were wearing our short school skirts. The walls of the campus themselves hold more memories than I could recount in one post. It was a good day though, I felt for once that I was going home.
[The garden at school and the Stone Tables which my class 11A11 and the A11 classes of years past,present and (hopefully) in the future have made and will continue to make home.]
Saturday was the first day that G and I had all 3 meals of the day together. Toast and tea for breakfast, our usual Sushi buffet for lunch and Mexican food at this surprisingly affordableplace, Muchachos, somewhere in the Duxton area. We have decided to try out the food at another cafe in the area next weekend because the Mexican food proved to be lovely!
[We shared a burrito because one would have been too filling!]
We also caught the latest Spiderman moveie. I thought it was good but not great. Maybe it's because Emma Stone's acting is obviously THAT MUCH better than Andrew Garfield's and she kinda stole Spiderman's limelight. Also I think Tobey Mcguire fits the role of the underdog-by-day-superhero-by-night role better because - let's face it- Andrew garfield is too suave/good-looking to pull it off. And I mean part of the appeal of Spiderman is that he is the "everyman" right? I think my last two sentences appear to conradict each other but they actually don't.
Sunday was Mother's Day and I spent it with my Mama. :D
Today was the first day of my internship at Epigram Books. I thought it went well. I read one manuscript and wrote down some pretty detailed feedback on it. Then I spent what was left of the day fiddling( because I'm a PC user) with the MacBook I'm using for work and eating cookies. 'Twas a great day. :D Also my fellow editorial intern Gracia is someone I can really get along with and I'm really glad because we're gonna share a table with each other for the next 3 months!:P
That's how the first few days of summer went for me! Have a great day/night!:)
Alisa Maya
Aspiring writer
Why every teenager needs to get a job
City Girl
Words, words, words.
An unpolished diamond
Bidding and Reading
Movie of the year
The people you meet when travelling
Nepal: Some highlights- A Jungly experience
The power of being young and vulnerable
The story's just getting good,
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Blog Design by Qi Yin