City Girl
Saturday, April 5, 2014 • 5:06 PM
All big cities are the same. From Ankara to Beijing The crowd always heats the streets up, even in Seoul in December. People are always too impatient to notice things. They walk too fast even when they are not in a rush. You fall asleep to the stars of LED lights from buildings far away. The muted drone of traffic becomes a lullaby you learn to love. Silence is hollow and noise is life. The smell of exhaust and petrol is comforting not suffocating and for a while you can pretend you're in Singapore in London traffic. That's why On Tuesday mornings when I'm stuck on the bus in traffic at the junction at Clementi Mall I don't pretend I'm at a quiet park or a windy beach, I pretend I'm on a London Bus in polluted Kathmandu wincing at the incessant honking of Beijing traffic.
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