Alisa Maya
Movie of the year
Wednesday, January 1, 2014 • 2:48 PM

It is New Year's day and I'm tired because I only got home at 2.30am after the countdown and firework display in town and I didn't sleep that much after that. And also because we had to walk half way across town to the train station because the stations that were close by were so full that you couldn't even enter them.

I see many people writing lengthy reflections about their year and it's been(mostly) interesting to see how other people have spent their year. But I am not going to write one because I am more interested in talking about my favourite movie of the year.

I am technically cheating because this movie was released in 2012. But I decided I like it more than any 2013 movie and so it can be favourite movie of both 2012 and 2013.

I'm talking about the Perks of Being a Wallflower.

(photo from Google images)

For the uninitiated, it's a movie about a group of adolescents and the (primarily emootional) struggles of growing up in an unkind world. Some parts of the story is explained from the the vantage point of he protagonist Charlie, in his letters to an unknown recipient. The movie is based on a book based with the same title and I've heard it's good although I've never actually read. I'm afraid reading the book will ruin the movie for me because a 110-minute film couldn't possibly replicate the imaginative experience that a novel allows for. I'm not going to summarise the plot because you can read it here:

I really like the movie because of a reason that is common, there are parts of the script that really stick with you. Here are some more popular and frankly, overused quotes from the movie.

The one about being Infinite, whatever that means.

"And in that moment, I swear we were infinite."

This is the part of the quote that is most popularly used. It is actually part of a longer passage. I never really understood what being infinite is supposed to mean. I can guess that it has something to do with being part of something greater than yourself or some other wishy-washy idea. But I don't like this quote that much.

Another over-used quote is the one about how we accept love.

" Charlie: Why do nice people choose the wrong people to date? Bill(Charlie's English Teacher): Are we talking about anyone specific? [Charlie nods] Bill: We accept the love we think we deserve. Charlie: Can we make them know they deserve more? Bill: We can try."

This is beautiful isn't it? Why are always so quick to believe we are not worthy of better things?

But my favourite quotes are probably less frequently repeated than they should be.

Patrick: "And these assholes, they actually think they're being original. "

I think this is something I think a lot in my head when people try to be cool. It was refreshing seeing someone say it out loud. Patrick is also my favourite character in the movie.

Althought Patrick's my favourite, I think Charlie and I are most alike. I know I'm talking about the characters like they're my friends, but that's what a good story does right? It presents relatable characters muddling their way through a relatable series of events.

This is my favourite quote from Charlie and the movie.

"Charlie: There is so much pain. And I-I-I don't know how not to notice it. Dr. Burton: What's hurting you? Charlie: No, not... not me. It's them! It's... it's everyone. It never stops. Do you understand?"

This was the scene right after Charlie fainted at home. All I remember thinking was 'OMG CHARLIE AND I ARE SOULMATES.'

Charlie and I have the same problem. We notice things about other people and it bothers us a lot. As time goes by I've learnt to accept that everyone is deeply flawed and to a large degreee because of the experiences they have and how they have chosen to react to them. I just hadn't seen this particular sentiment articulated so informally yet concisely before.

The main point is that I really, really like this movie because it made me feel less alone for a while and I appreciated that. Also I have watched it 3 times already and I almost neve re-watch movies. If you're having a bad day you should watch it. Actually if you're having a good day you should still watch it. At least once.

I hope 2014 treats everyone better than 2013!



Alisa Maya
Aspiring writer


  • The people you meet when travelling
  • Nepal: Some highlights- A Jungly experience
  • The power of being young and vulnerable
  • The story's just getting good,
  • For the lack of a better title; A loooong post
  • The things people say
  • A few things I learnt from the first weeks of school
  • A good writer VS a competent writer
  • The start before the real start
  • The unabashed truth


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