Alisa Maya
Betrayal is betrayal, wherever you find it. Farewell for now.
Monday, October 13, 2014 • 8:33 PM
Loving someone with all your heart is not the same as providing them with what they need or deserve.  I think the penultimate  moment of my realisation is when I realised that the people who make me broken are for the most part good people. And that not only makes it harder to hate them, but also it makes me feel sad for them. Because they truly did believe they were doing their best.

I've found myself immersing myself in grand plans recently. There is so much that I thought I wanted to do. But that is not what I really want. I need to learn to build myself up again, to eat properly and go for a run and feed my mind with positive thoughts and good books. But above all else, I need to live lightly. Winning awards and doing grand things, that is business for other people, or a future me in a future time. 

I have decided that courage is a value I hold close to me. So now I have to be true to myself by acknowledging that most of the things I've held close to me so far, don't really matter to me. 
On that note, I would just like to say that I will stop writing on this public space indefinitely. I must write for myself first. Many people have told me how they love reading what I write. I think it's because I say they think but don't say out loud, for reasons I will not attempt to understand. I think this is a coming out of sorts, but I don't want to invite everyone to be a witness at the ceremony, I hope you will understand.

I hope.



Alisa Maya
Aspiring writer


  • People Like You and Me
  • Kinship with an almost stranger
  • The truth about living with anxiety.
  • Really?
  • When we can see what we want for what it is,
  • On race, religion and everything we don't want to ...
  • At this point I'm really just talking to myself,
  • Okay, at this point I'm treating this space like a...
  • This is not a story of a love affair
  • A somewhat coherent rant


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