Alisa Maya
At this point I'm really just talking to myself,
Monday, September 22, 2014 • 9:22 PM
Which is something I do a lot actually.

In the post I'm going to revel in the mundane. Because I am currently in an unhealthy, obsessive relationship with my laptop. And Microsoft Word. Maybe that makes me a modernist 'cause I'm basking in the glory of the quotidian. ( HAHHAH okay fine I know it's not funny.)

So I went cycling today. Then I stopped at the lake in the park and wanted to take a picture of the sunset. 'Cause I was trying to be a hipster. But it was cloudy so I cycled (grumpily) to a hawker centre  in a really old part of the neighbourhood. I decided it was probably a sign that I could not pull off being a hipster. I suppose I've traditionally been much better at "awkward-and-kinda-nice-with questionable- fine- motor- skills -and- a- tendency- to -drop- ceramic -cutlery" anyways.

So this hawker centre is really dimly lit. And half the stalls are closed. But the food and sugarcane juice is really good. So I will always go there anyway. But mostly I am intrigued by the industrial wall fans there and I really want to get one for my bedroom.

Also, I have in recent times been reflecting on the state of my finances as a penniless student. I think giving General Paper tuition is both a fulfilling and lucrative way to earn extra cash. But also, I kinda want to have a life over the weekend. Maybe the solution to all this is to sort my Body Shop addiction out. Does anyone know of a support group I might join? All my cosmetics are from Body Shop. Someone told me recently I look prettier now than before. Actually it's just because Body Shop makeup is very flattering (duh, I mean that's what makeup is supposed to do right?).

Okay now I am going to start planning for my sociology paper on the TV show Jamie's School Dinners. I chose that show because I'm supposed to write on the benefits of reality TV programs and I think the School Dinners show is a rare, positive example of one. But actually it's because I like Jamie Oliver's accent and now I can re-watch the show in the name of research. Yes, that is how I make most of my life decisions. That is how I ended up writing a paper on the alleged promotion on consumerist ideals in the Dr Suess children's book "Green Eggs and Ham" last semester.

That is all for my brief flirtation with modernist writing.



Alisa Maya
Aspiring writer


  • Okay, at this point I'm treating this space like a...
  • This is not a story of a love affair
  • A somewhat coherent rant
  • Contradictions
  • Progress
  • Pulling a Jennifer Lawrence
  • Things I see/ things I do/ Ignorant doctors
  • Will I?
  • Jackie's Salo(o)n
  • Baring my soul in exchange for your grief


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