Alisa Maya
Monday, August 18, 2014 • 11:06 AM
I took a rather ugly trip down memory lane recently. I was having difficulty letting go of the things that people had said about the choices I'd made and the way I'd behaved in the past. Three years on and I still find my heart beat races and a pang of shame and fear arrests me when I consider these "concerned parties'" views.

I think I've reached a point when I am finally brave enough to look my concerns straight in the eye and address.  I have reasoned that:

 Anybody is ,of course, entitled to think and say whatever you want about me. However, unless you know me, and I mean REALLY know why I have made certain choices in my relationships with people, I'm not interested in your opinion.

 Intuitively I have recognised that it is pointless and damaging to let people who know nothing about me, damage something good I have going on. I am not blind to faults and the constraints of my choices, but I must forgive myself and I must do it now. I am not blind to the faults of others but I am willing to accept them.

 My present is a far happier place than my past. I am hopeful and my outlook for the near future is framed by an overlying sense of positivity. That's why I want to cut myself off from all the negativity as if they were cancers.

I wish you peace.



Alisa Maya
Aspiring writer


  • Pulling a Jennifer Lawrence
  • Things I see/ things I do/ Ignorant doctors
  • Will I?
  • Jackie's Salo(o)n
  • Baring my soul in exchange for your grief
  • Episodes
  • Movies and Books
  • Stuff.
  • Summer so far
  • Why every teenager needs to get a job


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